
Here I was, wide awake, well past midnight. Listening to the pitter patter of rain drops in a new city. Trying to settle down, trying to make friends, trying to calm my nerves! We tend to hide our deepest emotions so well. It would all seem so normal to an acquaintance, to raise a suspicious eye on that aloofness, that disconnect. That weak side which each one of us have.  Why do we defend it so ferociously? Would heavens fall down if you admit you are weak at certain point in time? Guess not! And still we make futile attempts to cover that side up. How then will it become stronger if not in the eye of the storm?!

Does it not really help to open your heart out to someone? To let someone in? Feel your true emotions as you feel them?

Yet how foolish would we be if we open up to those we don't know! What a waste of time, energy and emotions would it be to discover that the person doesn't care to listen to your emotions!

Hence the importance of friends and family in life. The importance of that one person you can talk to without the fear of being judged. Without anticipation of an answer. Just a patient listener. If you have such person in your life, value them, appreciate them and make all efforts not to lose them. 


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