
Eras have passed, thousand thoughts spared, hundreds of books written, and yet....it seems so difficult to find! Human beings and their ultimate quest for happiness. What is happiness? What brings happiness? Can we define it? I think the meaning of happiness is unique to each one of us. Precisely why, no book, no person, no religion can show you the path to eternal happiness. And yet, if you observe closely, it's always inside us. Human beings are happy creatures the moment they are born. Ever looked at toddlers and kids! They are happy for smallest of reasons. That is the most powerful emotion they possess. No wonder we miss our childhood when we see them. So something is different, something changes. Or rather, is buried deep inside us, layer by layer. Happiness is so tender an emotion, it's easily overshadowed by expectations, material desires, fear, anxiety, frustration et al. And yet, it's so flexible, it manages to peek through this dense fog of emotions. Happy people don't suppress that happiness peeking out of them. That's what sets them apart. It peeks when you have your favourite food, listen to your favourite music, just a silent stroll in garden, a hand to hold, getting drenched in rain, watch children play, see a balloon fly, read your favourite book, spending that quiet moment with a friend. The key is to lose yourself in that moment. Let that smile stay on your face a little longer, cherish the moment! Before you again lose sight of that peeking head of happiness in the fog of varied emotions.


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